Types of Auto-immune Diseases


Types of Auto-immune Diseases

An autoimmune disease is a disease that changes the way the human body views a specific part or feature of the body. It can actually cause the body to change its immune response and to send blood cells to fight off an infection that does not exist. Many people today do not realize that there is a like between the digestive system and autoimmune diseases. This connection can occur because the foods people eat cause an abnormal reaction or because they cannot process certain types of food. An integrative medicine physician can help you learn more about these conditions.

Most of the Digestive Autoimmune Diseases are in the following

Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that causes ulcers to form in the colon and rectum. Many people find that they have IBD after eating foods that are rich or heavy or after overeating.

The pain can cause quite a bit of discomfort and leave you feeling miserable. It also presents via blood in the stool. The blood appears in your stool because you have bleeding ulcers and your stool mixes with that blood when moving through the rectum.

Crohn's Disease

Crohn's disease is much more common than UC and presents with some of the same symptoms.  Crohn’s disease occurs because your body misidentifies something in the digestive tract as a disease or toxin and fights back against it. Many people with this condition have blood in their stool, feel tired and have problems digesting certain foods. One of the more harmful effects of Crohn's is that it doesn't impact just one area of the body. It can cause symptoms in your mouth, throat, esophagus and through the entire digestive tract.

Celiac Disease

Another common autoimmune disease is Celiac disease. It is often difficult to diagnosis because the disease affects people differently. The main commonality is that people with Celiac disease cannot properly digest the gluten protein. When they eat gluten, their immune system attacks the small intestine lining, which leads to patients suffering symptoms like stomach cramps, diarrhea, bloating, and vomiting. There is a big difference between having a gluten intolerance and Celiac disease. People with a gluten intolerance exhibit far fewer symptoms but may feel tired and suffer from some stomach pains after consuming wheat such as in bread, pasta, and beer.

Media Contact:
Robert Solomon
Managing Editor | Immunogenetics: Open Access
Whatsapp no: +1-504-608-2390